Sunday, July 15, 2007

rain, rain..go away

It's raining again. I run to find shelter before my clothes get completely wet....

I've always loved the rain. The dark atmosphere, the cold air, the bright flash of lightning, the loud booming of thunder. It all appeals to me. Everytime I tell that to Sarah, she stares at me like I have three heads. I cannot explain it to her..or to anyone else for that matter. Ever since I was a child, my mom told me, that at the first sound of thunder kids would run screaming from the room..but me, and my brother George would always race to the window, smiling ear to ear and stare at the dark, gloomy weather in awe. This strange awe for rain and the darkness that came with it, continued as I grew up.

And then I met him. Michael. One of the biggest pain in the asses I have ever had the privledge of meeting..and unfortunately for me..he sits right beside me in english class. I hate him with every ounce of breath I have..except for one's mostly him that takes whatever little I have.

Okay, so that's horribly cliche..but that's how it is.

I don't know when it started. The teacher, as usual, would read little snippets from one of the books assigned for that day, and later on in the day she'd fire away questions with such enthusiam it made half the class wince. Most of the time it was Michael that answered the questions, with such sarcasm and smugness..most of the awnswers having nothing to do with the book itself..but for some reason, Ms. Mason would just smile, nod her head approvingly and start firing away the next question..and this cycle would start all over again until class ended.

I was the only one in the class that could see through Michael and his so called 'charm'. It was like the whole class was intrigued by what he had to say, boys and girls alike. I swear there was something in the school water..which thankfully I do not drink.

But for all the attention and approval he got from the others, he seemed to completely over look it and instead focus on what I felt or what I thought on the subject. On the second day of class, he turned to me with his blue eyes, curious on what my stand was on the subject we were discussing in class that day. Of course, after I told him my thoughts on the subject he replied back with a smart ass comment that resulted in me looking like an idiot and a fit of giggles and hands, pointing all towards me. From then onwards I didn't tell him how I felt, unless instructed by my teacher and my teacher alone.

But his intrigue with me carried on far beyond the class, and no matter how much I ignored him he managaed to be there, helping me pick up my fallen books, giving me my calculator I accidently left in math class..entering his car, parked, of course, right next to mine.

And for the strangest reason that cannot be explained scientifically, it seems like everytime he's around it always rains..a slight drizzle, a few droplets of water or sometimes a rain shower that will go on for hours. I swear it's like he controls the weather or something. That or God must be having the time of his life watching me squirm over Michael.

Why does he have to steal my weather? My thoughts?

He is always there. If not in the seat next to me, then in my head. Or in my dreams. That's when it got worse. I don't remember how or why he got there. His smile, his eyes..they'd always find a way into my head and leave me feeling breathless..or..ugghh!!

I hate him! His stupid smile. His sharp-piercing blue eyes. His broad shoulders. His strong hands. His god-like, marbelesque body. His smooth, husky voice...

"Hey Gabby" God help me.

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